JOBST® Comprifore LF
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The JOBST® Comprifore LF multilayer set contains all components needed for adequate compression in the treatment of venous leg ulcers. With the new Cutimed® Sorbact® WCL, it additionally offers a wound contact layer that provides microbe binding action to reduce the risk of infection.
Features and benefits:
The new JOBST® Comprifore LF set
- provides graduated compression of 40 mmHg1 to reach the doctors’ recommended pressure for the healing of venous leg ulcers. 2
- provides sustained compression for up to 7 days.
- delivers high stiffness factor to provide effective compression.
- allows for easy and safe application to minimize nursing time.
- contains Cutimed® Sorbact® WCL for the microbe binding action wound treatment.
- is latex-free version for the reduction of risk of allergies.
- is available as Comprifore® LF lite to provide reduced compression for mixed leg ulcer with an ABPI between 0.6 to 0.8.
1. Targeted nominal compression for an average ankle size.
2. EWMA position document, “Understanding compression therapy”, 2003.